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Commercial Roof Inspections

       Utilize our professional engineering expertise for your storm damage assessments. We will inspect your low-slope roof utilizing traditional inspection methods and incorporate the use of an enterprise drone with thermal capabilities for roof moisture surveys in conjunction with capacitance moisture survey equipment.
Traditional roof inspections combined with the use of a drone provide a comprehensive picture of the whole roof covering whereas traditional roof inspections without the use of a drone are limited by the minimal field of view that can be captured using a digital camera while on the roof.


Commercial Roof Inspections w/Drone Thermography

  • Determine if there is moisture within the roof system utilizing thermal equipment in conjunction with capacitance equipment.

  • Provide field diagrams with damage locations, repair recommendations, and scope of work to repair the roof system to its original condition.


Moisture Mapping Services

Identify sources of water damage with thermography and moisture mapping.


Destructive Scanner for Flat Roof Leak Detection

Roof Inspections Services

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